Zimmerman Trial Outcome Opinions

In case you've been sleeping under a rock, the Zimmerman Trial was about George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin. Supposedly, Zimmerman killed Martin because Martin was threatening him. There isn't definitive evidence supporting Zimmerman's claims that Martin slammed his head against the ground. The whole purpose of this case was to figure out if it was lawful to kill someone out of the self-defense Zimmerman discoursed about.

When this news leaked out, people were initially outraged. Cries of Zimmerman being racist was heard through the entire nation. The family was traumatized; they believed that Martin wasn't a threat that Zimmerman said he was. Death threats were slammed in Zimmerman's inbox as the days passed on. Many people said that Zimmerman was lying about the entire situation in order to defend himself. These claims were made because of a call Zimmerman made to the police concerning Martin. Zimmerman mentioned something about, "F---ing punks" and "these a--holes." Even though this isn't directly racist, many people believed that this was a racist reaction.

Now on the flip side, Zimmerman was known for mentoring two African-American kids. So the question on whether or not this was a racist act remained unanswered. Then the trial unfolded and the results turned up that he was innocent.

Yet again, people were mad that Zimmerman was acquitted. They were mad at the jury for making this decision. But let's examine whether or not what Zimmerman's actions were justified.

Since we have no evidence to support Zimmerman's claims, we can't be sure what actually happened. This could either mean that Zimmerman was exaggerating or he was truthful. It doesn't matter if he was indeed racist, as long as he was actually threatened. The idea that Martin didn't leave after being confronted by Zimmerman does indeed seem suspicious and it is constitutional to kill for self-defense. It was on this ground that the entire defense was laid for court.

I personally think that Zimmerman is innocent. We don't know what actually happened that day. Because of this, it isn't fair to say Zimmerman was being racist. What would happen if you were in that situation? Would you act just like Zimmerman? I think people overlook the fact that you don't think clearly in these types of situations. As such, it isn't fair to judge Zimmerman for this.

Now I'm not saying Martin was the bad person in all of this. Far from it. This resulted from a misunderstanding. Now should Zimmerman be held accountable for this? No. This was a mistake. Humans make mistakes. Should you be punished for mistakes? No. I believe that even though it was a tragic event, Zimmerman shouldn't be punished. 

I also think that people should stop making such a fuss about racism. The situation can't be assessed when you have such a biased thought. Especially now when people are the angriest. When people are angry, they can make bad decisions. I believe that the people making death threats to Zimmerman are acting out of their emotional state. Should they be liable for that? No.

But that's just my opinion. And seeing as how I believe that even intentional murder shouldn't be enough to kill the murderer, my opinion can be faulty. This all comes down to how you perceive the events.


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