Random Rant: Facebook

All right y'all, it's balls to the walls. I'm gonna explain why I hate Facebook. You are entitled to your own opinion but this is just my rationale. Before jumping in, I want to say that I don't have a huge problem with the design or anything that the programmers of Facebook has implemented. This is mostly about the people who lurk on Facebook.

But I do have a small problem with the design. Who else has a problem with the search bar? Like I tried looking up Chuggaaconroy a few times. Most of the time, I can find his page just by the first three letters but sometimes the name just doesn't want to pop up. I don't know if that's just a problem on my part, but it pisses me off.

Anyways, my main gripe is that Facebook is very degrading. There are multiple ways it degrades us but let's look at our grammar and our time first. People on Facebook feel like they can scrawl an unreadable message half the time. Even if they know they misspell a word, they don't feel like correcting it. This isn't Twitter; there's no character limit. There's no excuse to write sloppily. Just write how you talk with correct spelling and grammar. People's thoughts seem to degrade on the site as well. I have yet to see an intellectual discussion of anything by anyone. Also, has anyone noticed how Facebook drains time so quickly? I have a friend who wastes three hours on Facebook every day. What can you do that's so time-wasting? There's a lot more to life than just chatting to your friends on Facebook. Status posts are also unnecessary. Who cares where you went for vacation? Who cares what you ate today? Who cares what color your poop was today?

Facebook also makes us unhappy. Time magazine had an article on the pursuit of happiness and over half of the participants in their survey said that Facebook hasn't made them happier coming out of it. Facebook is used to compare your social status to others a lot. Everyone feels as though they want to feel superior to others so they log on to find that their ex-boyfriend or girlfriend is married to a celebrity while their friends have dream jobs. Facebook is a savage territory where self-image is everything and it has led to lying and lowered self-esteem. There's a deeper truth lying under the happy facade and that's that Facebook is a battleground. People aren't safe on it. Even worse, their lowered self-esteem prompts them to stay on the site even longer. People also feel better if they have three hundred friends. It makes them feel better that they have such an extravagant social circle. Well how are you gonna keep track of three hundred people? I can only keep track of my family and my immediate friends. Everyone else might as well be acquaintances.

The purpose of Facebook is to talk to close friends or for other utilitarian purposes. Messages involving frivolous subjects with no conceivable point might as well not exist. I get none of that when I see my outside friends being "trolls." Yeah, I get it, they're having fun but it's unnecessary. You don't have to be witty for every single post someone makes. I typically spend three minutes on Facebook. Enough to rush in and check to see people being stupid and rush out. It's unwise to spend too long or else you'll be trapped in the void it creates.

So, Facebook is mostly used for pointless rambles that are even weirder than my rambles. If Facebook is going to dominate your life, are you happy about that? Are you happy that you are obsessed with comparison to your friends while posting pictures of your poop in order to seem "cool"? But that's just my opinion. Facebook could be beneficial to others as well.


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