Random Rambles on: The Future

The future is something we are enthralled by. We may be petrified of it or we could be eagerly anticipating its arrival. We don't know what happens in the future and that's what makes us scared. We don't know if aliens, nuclear armageddon, civil war, political strife, technology, or whatever else will destroy us. We don't know if the future will mark the peak of human civilization with the destruction of natural environment or if it will mark the decay of humans due to our consequences. Judging by how things are shaping up, the future does not look pretty. Because of this, many depictions of the future exists that present their view on the bleak societal changes.

One of these is "The Hunger Games." This portrays a society that regressed due to natural occurrences and to the dominating government that corrupts the humans. This is an interesting idea that is possible but I find that it is unlikely. After such disasters, most civil humans decide to work together to maintain a temporary society. The idea of an oppressive government could occur, but I'd think that basic human instincts would say otherwise. Plus, the society of the center thing isn't as technically advanced as you'd think. They're main focus is on fashion and the like. But they should probably be researching for future war technology in order to preserve their dominating state. I guess they wouldn't need to worry if the districts are stabilized, but that led to their eventual downfall.

Another one is any zombie game/movie/story. These typically involve a deadly disease or random parasite that contaminates the general population. While this is possible, what I find strange is the idea of ordinary people picking up guns and blowing off the heads of zombies. What possesses these people to be de-sensitized to killing other people? Why are they so willing to do this? And for that matter, how are they this good at using guns? The fallout of the disease is probable, but the awesome heroism? Not likely.

And then you have all your futuristic movies. One problem I have with these is that they all have primitive technology in the future. Yeah I know, people back then didn't realize technological improvements but some books like "1984", "2001: A Space Odyssey", and "Fahrenheit 451" surpasses our modern advances. My point is that the future doesn't have intuitive gadgets. Sure you've got cool futuristic stuff but then some things aren't upgraded along with them. Why doesn't the future have better toilets? Why doesn't the future have a better language? You see, there's this gap that occurs which makes viewers not believe that this could actually happen. Because of this, I've never believed in the movies.

So there's some of the futuristic ideas out there. I don't believe in any one version for I feel that there's too many variables to work with. You can't predict the outcome of the future. With that, I think that the future can work both ways. But we don't know.


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