Politically Incorrect Rambles: War

This is going to be a new branch dealing with all my gropes with our present society. This is my own opinion and you can have a completely different viewpoint. Fine with me. Just bear that in mind along with the facts that I may get some facts wrong. Without further ado, let's plunge into the unfortunate terror that has plagued us since coherent civilization developed.

First of all, let's deal with all the supposed benefits developed from war. In a war, the people of a nation will become a lot more patriotic. This gives a sense of loyalty to the country. If the country is on the winning side of the war, they could potentially reap the rewards by having their economy boosted. The country can gain the territory of the losing side or claim slaves as a result. But, speaking on modern-day terms with the U.S. as an example, that doesn't help. In fact, the trend with countries that have waged war against the U.S. have found that after they've lost, the U.S. would come in and turn that country into a modern first-world country. Because of that, there does derive benefit in waging war for the mere idea of modernization, considering that in the Middle East, leaders that do implement this idea are often considered as a despot.

But the real benefit derived that is the main focus is the main goal of the war itself. Whether it be for territorial, political, religious, or monetary gains, all wars are very similar. Whether the cause is deemed "good" or "evil", the war is ultimately based on the needs of a chosen leader or the people as a whole, depending on the government. That being said, war could potentially be a relatively quick way to deal with an issue or an even longer way. When diplomacy and counsels can't solve a problem, the usual plan of action is war. When the North and the South couldn't find a resolution, they went to war. War can also be unwarranted: provoked without settling for a resolution. War can be a double-edged blade and can be rather turbulent. But even Gandhi advocated violence. To humans, violence sends a clear message and while the idea of regulations is idealistic, sometimes it's best to take direct course of action.

Then, there are the downsides of war and here is where I'm going to focus most of my opinion. I believe that all wars are pointless. Violence cuts so deep into our human relationship with others, that it makes us fear humans. The real reason why the map looks like swiss cheese is because of our reluctance to unite as one nation. When civilizations develop apart from each other, they find themselves feeling as though the outside forces are complete aliens when they're really not. We're all humans in the inside, yet people feel that the world outside them is so different. Unwilling to converse freely with others, they have no idea what the other country is like. When their goals cross, they clash. My point is, that if people weren't so apathetic to other countries, the need of war would vanish. But I hear you say that having people being united is too idealistic and unrealistic. No, it isn't. If there was a common thread to link us all, like trade, then that'd solve our problem.

Anyways, back on the subject of violence. I believe that violence is totally futile. Leaders of the war can easily command troops without seeing their faces. War is gruesome and that tends to not cross the mind of the leaders. This group of young people are sent to be slaughtered. A common syndrome of militants is PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. They become traumatized by the sights of war and some may even go on to commit suicide. War today is a lot "dirtier" than in our past. We've set our creative minds of our nation to do what? To invent more ways to kill each other. In fact, the gun was created for the sole intention of killing. Why? Why is it that "primitive" animals can manage to co-exist while us humans must kill one another. In order to get an "edge" on the other side, we've invented cruelty that no human should even hear mentioned. Torture, weapons of mass destruction, etc. Many psychedelic experiments which many would never have nightmares of exist to find better ways to mass murder. Yet still, many young people are infatuated by such ideas. Videos today colloquially known as "war porn" have sprung up which have made people all the more determined to become part of the military. Why have we become so desensitized to the idea of our fellow comrade dying?

But that's not all, in our present state, nations are scared of each other. Almost every single country has made a military. Why? Because they're scared of attacks. When has it become so difficult for a nation to thrive on its own? Because of this, the government has provided mass funding for military. In a time where we could fund education, biotechnology, enviornmentally aware technology, engineering, we've decided to fund the military. Military equipment can be very expensive as well. A single plane's price could spring up to the millions. You'd think that with all that funding, that there'd be a use for it. But no. Much of the military technology remains unused. In fact, it's estimated that much of the U.S.'s debt could be cut down if we managed to sell our idle military equipment. What's the point of spending all our tax money in the first place?

But I've only scratched the surface. Being a person inside the military can be rough. Sexual assaults are on the high right now and opinions of the militants are suppressed by what the general public perceives. It's not fair for the public to reprimand them however, they've never seen such horrors. Sitting inside a luxurious suite while men are lining up to be killed. The military camp also actively pushes them to inhumane extremes. The military leaders say that their harsh commands and cries that the people are maggots are justified due to the fact that they want obedience. But, does this make the leaders unsympathetic to the plight of the people being trained? Combined with the high risk of death, the prejudice against the other side, and potential PTSD; they have a hellish experience.

Also there does seem to be a varying level of pointlessness in a war. While some wars may be lauded for stopping something, like the Civil War, others are completely unecessary. Take a look at the Medieval Ages. The Crusades were a series of campaigns based on...claiming the holy land? This was backed by the Church and everyone foolishly followed. The Crusades ended up fruitless and what did they get out of it? Spices and technology from the land. Thus, it was a pointless shedding of blood. Many agree that World War I was an unfortunate war because it contributed little toward benefits.

Which brings me to the crux of my argument: many wars try to right a wrong. What I mean by that is that there is some horrible event going on in some part of the world. Because of this, it is obligatory to help the unfortunate situation. Like World War II with Hitler and the Korean War. Other wars have sprung up by miscommunication or accidents like the Mexican-American War. It seems that the biggest solution to most nations is war. But why? Why does this have to be? Why are we so eager to throw men and women to their death? Our current wars in the Middle East have gone without many achievments. Many Americans don't even know what we're doing there.

And this is more of a conspiracy theory, but is the government hiding secrets from us? We've already learned of their observance of communication by Snowden (doesn't he look like James Rolfe?). Back in the Vietnam War, the news channels would always broadcast the scene and say how many have died. But now, it's shrouded in mystery save for a few murmurings.

Anyways, that wraps up a few thoughts on war. No doubt I have much more to say about the matter, so I might just continue on in the future. Thanks for reading.


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