Random Controversial Rambles: Gay Marriage

For many centuries now, the idea of gay marriage has been a touchy subject. The middle ages started this belief with gay people and the sodomy they represent. Christianity incites this idea as God apparently doesn't seem to be too fond of gay people. Because of this, Christians believe that gay people are inherently inferior to heterosexuals. Gays have been met throughout history with hostility and executions. But most of the cases with gays are vague and convictions can't occur since the sexuality of the person is left ambiguous. Europe especially has this track record of hating gay people and the traditional view is that heterosexuality is the best possible sexuality and is deemed normal.

Well, yeah, heterosexuality is normal and homosexuality is technically a deviant. But homosexuality is also natural. Nature has its own course and having these different sexualities serves to diversify us even more. Let's look at the supposed cons of homosexuality. The only arguments I've ever heard are: it's not "natural" since it doesn't allow for normal reproduction but rather "weird" sexual behavior and it goes against the Bible. I'll quickly refute both arguments by saying that sexual behavior today is already very "diversified" and "raunchy" and that we don't need more humans on earth now. Secondly, God doesn't explicitly state to shun gays. Doesn't God tell us to love and forgive each other? Well, if we're gonna analyze everything in the Bible, then we should shun women for not releasing two doves on a wedding. We should shun God for killing people when it says "Thou shalt not kill." The Bible is just a collection of stories from different people who think they know what God says. I'm not harping on Christianity, but I think Catholics tend to have the worst logic as proved through history and current issues.

So why is homosexuality shunned? I don't know. It's a form of self-identification and freedom. Gay people are the same people as heterosexuals but they just like people of the same sex. Yeah, legalizing gay marriage does open up a whole debate over whether or not other sexual practices should be accepted like polygamy but this is just the first step to figure out how far we'll spread our equality. Gay marriage should be legalized and there is no argument that successfully states why it shouldn't under current circumstances. However, the republicans seem to have this weird notion of sin surrounding gay marriage because they are typically religious. And unfortunately, republicans dominate the Senate so we're kind of screwed in terms of allowing this to happen. So what do we do? Well, we've taken important steps already for gay marriage as most of the youth believes in gay marriage and the pope himself "tolerates" gay couples which is a good step to convincing the rest of the world that this is a tolerable practice. Honestly, if people don't like gay couples, it's not like they face them every day. It's not as though gay couples undermine their beliefs and challenge their right to exist. Sure gay people may be weird for cross-dressing and all that, but it's their freedom of self-expression.

Luckily, more and more people realize that we have been insipid throughout history for being so close-minded and adherent to the Bible. Gay marriage is inevitable and we have to learn to accept these people in our society. These people are normal and they deserve to be respected as an equal, not as a weird person and not to be shunned. They do not deserve to be bullied for coming out of the closet. In a sense, this is the civil rights movement part two and I bet that we'll think that the radical Catholics will be seen as oppressors in a few decades. This isn't as profound as the Black civil rights movement but it's an important note that we must be sure that everyone is treated as an equal. As a society, we are taught to value people as equals and making sure that nothing will ever impede our judgement about a person. It's fine to note what sexuality a person has but we have to realize that that person will behave similarly to how society dictates. It's time for change and we must be sure that America is the land of freedom and equality.


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