Random Social Rambles: Should we Legalize Marijuana?

After marijuana was legalized in Colorado, there seemed to be an imposing question looming for all of the states: Should they follow suit? The marijuana business in Colorado has officially been started as anyone can use marijuana as a recreational drug. This understandably created a huge debate on whether or not marijuana should be a drug anyone could use. This debate has been going on for decades now as states are wondering whether their original marijuana bans are still legitimate.

Let's look at the facts first. It is true that marijuana is better for you than cigarettes. Studies have shown that marijuana can actually improve lung capacity and airflow rates albeit by a minute amount that is hardly noticeable. Stefan Kertesz, M.D., a senior author of the study and associate professor in the UAB Division of Preventive Medicine found marijuana does not cause long-term lung problems that cigarettes do though there are temporary irritations of the throat and the lungs. In general, marijuana does not cause lung cancer which is a significant advantage over cigarettes. Marijuana also doesn't contain nicotine which is a chemical that has been found to cause detrimental effects on the body by increasing the risk for heart disease and other symptoms. Marijuana is not as addictive as cigarettes and there are also the health benefits which include helping you relax and improving well being. Outlawing marijuana is also detrimental by making it so that obtaining "clean" ways of marijuana is much harder. People become so desperate to find the high marijuana gives that they do downright idiotic things. There are also many medicinal purposes used for dire circumstances but that won't be considered since many states already have marijuana legalized for that purpose. Overdosing marijuana is also rare. Second-hand smoke isn't as deadly since the main chemical being emitted is THC which isn't that harmful.

Now let's look at the cons of marijuana. There are immediate side effects that include having a dry mouth and red eyes among other things. The research into this plant isn't fully developed and many effects that have been claimed to be a direct correlation to smoking marijuana aren't proven beyond doubt. Perhaps the worst effect marijuana has is the possibility that marijuana will introduce the user to the world of recreational drugs. This is the main reason why marijuana is banned since many feel that marijuana is a gateway drug to deadlier drugs like heroin or cigarettes. Marijuana also has the associated high that comes with it which can impair motor functions and thereby cause the consumer to do dangerous acts.

You may be wondering why I compared marijuana with only cigarettes. Well this is because cigarettes are legal in all states while marijuana is guarded with a passion. The question is why are we so reluctant to legalize marijuana when already there is a much more harmful drug on the market? By no means am I trying to advocate smoking marijuana but marijuana isn't as bad as the recreational drugs already legalized. Cigarettes are deadly as a recreational drug and it baffles me why the U.S. is allowing cigarettes to pass when healthier recreational drugs exist like the psilocybin mushrooms.

But the better reason for legalizing marijuana is to demolish the Mexican drug cartel. Legalizing marijuana would decentralize the drug cartel's economy and thus reduce illegal immigrants and the amount of violence. Cartel leaders will not have enough money to rule the border between Mexico and the U.S. which would allow for Mexico to finally gain control of their country and, most importantly, the border. Marijuana is a huge part of the cartel and having the smugglers unable to sell to American customers would be detrimental to their plight. Sure the cartel may still exist but at least it will be more diminished which would allow for the U.S. and Mexico to finally make their move. While many Mexicans will have their jobs displace because of this, the Mexican government can provide jobs that could better Mexico's infrastructure. Mexico could finally become a legitimate country that doesn't need to cower in fear from the cartel leaders.

In all, marijuana legalization would be so beneficial to the U.S. that it's astounding they are still debating about this matter. The repercussions may be immense but the long-term benefits would heavily outweigh the detriments. Many people already smoke marijuana illegally and while there will be more and more marijuana smokers, we can be sure that it would be a better future than having many cigarette smokers. For all these reasons, yes, marijuana should be legalized throughout the entire U.S.



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