Random Rambles: Will We Survive?

One of the biggest questions that gets raised throughout our scientific era is whether or not the human race will become extinct. The sun will burn us all off in a few hundred million years and we need to build our light-speed technology to visit a habitable planet quickly. However, our current record is laughable since we can barely get to Mars. But a lot can change in a few million years and it can be possible that we survive by colonizing distant planets.

So is that possible? Will we live long enough that we can actually build technology great enough to surpass even light speed? Well, maybe. It depends on our research into space exploration which already has a very low budget. And the human race can be exterminated in a plethora of ways. We could unleash nuclear armageddon. We can die because of natural causes due to mother earth bucking us once and for all. We can have our technology surpass us which ultimately kills us. We can have global climate change create a mass extinction. We are probably going to go extinct as a species because even the dinosaurs only live a couple hundred years before their mass extinction. So what will happen?

The future is so uncertain now. We tend to only focus on short-term problems like politics or economics. Time tolls slowly by as each year feels like an eternity. We have a lot of time left since homo sapiens have only existed for a few million years now. So what will happen? We've advanced so much that any disaster can just come around the corner and blind us. We are fixated on small goals and the idea of extinction seems too far off to even consider. We won't even try to tackle this problem until a particular disaster sends a shockwave to everyone and results in us trying desperately to find a way to proliferate our species.

So what will happen? The universe is a mysterious subject and we have a lot of questions regarding life, the origins of the universe, the history of earth, and the content of space. We will always strive to figure out answers and we will always face problems. But we're only human and anything that happens next can't be helped.


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