Random Rambles (Quickie): Gaming And Its Repetitiveness

I hear many complaining about how many franchises tend to use the same system every time throughout the years. Critics criticize the same mechanics that are used for Zelda or other franchises that have used the same ideas over and over. People tend to disregard the simplicity found in a typical Mario game that uses the same formula as its 80's counterpart. They wish for something new out of the series that is innovative and intuitive. Nintendo franchises are most frequently blamed for this affliction despite new editions displaying new mechanics.

The thing is, it's this repetitiveness that attracts the nostalgic gamers. The head behind these old franchises realize that they have money rolling in for giving fans what they want. They make each game distinctive to attract a broad audience to satisfy many gamer's experience as well. Today, games are marketed for casual gamers so franchises must find a balance between the devote fans and the casual fans so as to attract the most attention. 

But let's examine the idea of repetitiveness. If any genre of game should be to blame, it would be the first person shooters. Game after game after game may have different mechanics or plots but it boils down to the core concept of using a gun to kill other stuff. There are exceptions though but the overwhelming amount of these shooters being produced would seem to make gamers sick. However many people still love these games do to the online multiplayer option or other reasons. The critics don't attack these games nearly as much as sites like IGN even have the audacity to give Call of Duty games near perfect scores. So what's the problem we face here?

People will always attack old franchises for being too old but when it comes down to it these games still exist because of how much people like them. People have different tastes based on what they grew up with and what their interests are. So in the end, everyone should chill down about this conflict. Calling something repetitive is just another way of attacking a franchise. There's a reason why each person likes what they want and I think we're just making a huge fuss over everything.


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