Random Rambles (Quickie): Honesty

Frequently, we tend to blur the lines between the reality and fiction. We employ lies to cover up what we don't want others to know. We tell ourselves that lies are for our own benefit yet sometimes telling a lie that feels as though it should be good feels so wrong. A hollow feeling creeps through you and you worry that someone will find out. Lies construe a facade for people by portraying one in a different light. People will think that that person has a different personality which makes it all the more traumatizing when the lies are found out. Lies are manipulative, creative, and powerful while staying with the truth seems like a narrow path filled with consequences.

The only true way for someone else to believe a lie is to believe in the lie yourself. Relinquish the truth and accept the lie as the only possible situation that happened. Obviously, this is a very hard thing to do yet juggling the two scenarios makes it too easy to telegraph how you've twisted the truth. That's what's dangerous with sociopaths and other mentally ill people since they can easily believe a lie.

Lies paint a world that is so fantastic. Reality eventually seems hollow. So what's the point of being honest? Nothing and everything. As our values and morals slowly deteriorate with each lie, honesty seems like an escape yet you sacrifice so much to be honest in a world that exploits without mercy. Telling a lie is just a judgement call and everyone has their own preference in dabbling in the gray matter of deciding whether to tell the lie or the truth. Despite honesty being an ethical decision, we can never be sure if telling the truth will result in the best possible outcome.


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