"Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" Review

After hearing fanboys gush over this cartridge as if it was their first-born, I didn't get what the deal was. I watched NintendoCaprisun's lp of it and it didn't impress that much as compared to Majora's Mask. Even when I played this at my friend's house, it wasn't spectacular. But was that just because I wasn't in the generation who played this and looked upon it with reverence? Could be.

Anyways, the story was your typical Zelda story. Ya' know, the three goddesses made the golden cheese, Zelda, Ganon, and etc. And time-travel. Can't forget that. So the plot isn't spectacular at all. I barely got engaged with whatever pressure Link had and preferred to complete sidequests as the world burned.

The gameplay was pretty good. Though it isn't as fluid as Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, or Skyward Sword, it was the first so it is excusable. The L-targeting made its first appearance and for the most part, the transition from 2-D to 3-D was pretty good. Everything was smooth like it should be.

The dungeons were also creative masterpiece. Each one was particularly stylized and lovingly adorned with details. They really emphasized the N64's power at the time.

The music kinda sucked. Some memorable tunes were blended in with awful "background" music. I'm looking at you forest temple. Some of the most famous melodies came from here, but they are far and few in between.

Now my gripes mainly reside in Hyrule Field. This area was the most boring aspect of the game and took forever to get across. Even when you get Epona, it takes forever to disembark her. The camera was also very stiff and inflexible. The dialogue took forever to scroll by. In the end, while this game is enjoyable, it's definitely not the best Zelda game.

Final rating: 8/10


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