Random Nostalgia: Powerpuff Girls

I'd first like to apologize for taking so long to post another post. I've been pretty busy over the weekend with the tournaments. Anyways, I've just decided to revisit a show that I loved in middle school. At that point, "The Powerpuff Girls" was already done with its six seasons. So my sisters bought the DVD set for Christmas so they could watch it again but I eventually watched the show again. And I loved it. The writing, the animation, and the characters were spot on. So let's go right in. But I'd like to have a bit of background. This show has had such an impact that almost everyone heard of it as a kid. So this started off from a concept from the great Craig McKracken who made three cartoon girls as a gift to his brother. His brother encouraged McKracken to pursue making a television show and eventually "Whoopass Stew" was created. At first, this show was gritty and dark with disgusting imagery. The test audience didn't like this...