Random Rambles: Frozen's Quick Fix

So I already stated how I was not entirely satisfied with this movie. It's one of those movies that's perfect...but just isn't. To summarize my main points of discontent, I just said that the cliche of Kristoff as the true love was pretty bad and the idea of having Hans as the bad guy was also extremely flawed. Anyways, this movie is obviously constrained because it is a Disney movie and the bureaucrats running the show just made sure these cliches were still in place. What I would do to make this movie "perfect" is just three steps: make Kristoff female, make Hans a misguided man instead of a "bad guy," and get rid of the trolls. My reasons for doing this is that first of all Kristoff was obviously the "true" true love from the moment we saw him. We weren't sure exactly how Hans would fit into all of this but we knew that the development of Kristoff made it so that he was going to be the one. Anyways, I think there would be a more empo...