Random Review *Quckie*: A Storm of Swords

The epic third novel in this gargantuan series delivers on its title. It's bloody and brutal with many characters dying over the politics of this realm. I think this book in particular exemplifies how brutally honest and ruthless Westeros really is as events like the Red Wedding and the death of Oberyn Martell give this sense that Westeros is a turbulent and cruel place to live in. This novel also progresses extremely quickly with new events happening all the time to ensure readers will have the same feeling of wanting to learn more about one character but forced to see through the perspective of other characters (see Daenerys, Jon, Arya, Tyrion). Martin gives another great work unto us that illustrates the world even more and progressing the plot. I also noticed that politics weren't as big of a thing as in the second book which meant that this book focused more on social issues and events occurring in a specific area.

Like I said before, this novel is brutal and I like how it gives the nitty-gritty details to contribute to the overall experience. If you thought before that the previous novels were already sickening enough, you'll be delighted to find more gruesome details in this book. Anyways, this book is also colossal which makes it feel as though a lot of stuff really happened even though this series doesn't seem like it will conclude any time soon. But in the end, we're forced along the ride to see what Westeros has in store for us.

Final Rating: 9.5/10


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