Random Rambles: The Man in the Sky

Religion has always been a controversial topic. Many people who have a specific faith tend to believe their belief to be completely true and reject others who have different beliefs. Religion is a powerful tool and I'd argue that religion is a form of propaganda. But the question I pose is if God created man or man created God? Of course, it doesn't have to be God, it could well be Allah, the three Hindu Gods, or any other deity. So who actually created our world and does that group of individuals or person actually exist?

The problem we face now is how people tend to disregard religion because of the new scientific knowledge. It's no mystery why creationists are usually misguided and plagued with misconceptions. So many scientists or well educated people tend to regard these devoted people as inferior for being so ignorant to the overwhelming mass of information. The force that attempts to connect the two beliefs are the people who try to revise Scriptures or religious sources so as to make it seem like both supernatural and scientific forces are acting at the same time. In fact, most people still believe in a god but are more inclined to be Deistic and believe that natural forces have run its course since a god created the world. The thing with Deism is that there are usually no faults in the logic since it is easy to explain the Big Bang and mind-bending processes with the power of a deity who then didn't interfere with the world.

I always regard religion as a sort of naive belief in that people don't want to face their inevitable death. I don't mean to say that deities don't exist but I still feel as though we created religions. Not every single religion is true which means that someone somewhere must have made something up. I think people today are scared more than ever since our technology and research clearly shows that our world is empty and that life is a freak accident that will eventually be quenched. All life is is a hopeless struggle for survival as organisms try to propagate their species. This may sound like I'm an existentialist but I still think life has its meaning as well. And our meaning we have defined for ourselves is religion since we want to live forever due to how desperate and panicked we feel about death. So religion is malleable and fits into whatever we really want. In the Medieval Ages, the clergy would use Catholicism to justify their treatment of peasants. In Buddhism, people believe in reincarnation and are more inclined to treat life with more respect. In the end, I still think that if the afterlife didn't exist, there wouldn't be such a huge following for such beliefs. Therefore, the people we see in the clouds are essentially tools for us to hope. We hate the idea of "life sucks and then you die" even if there is truth to that phrase. We can't accept that all there is to life is to struggle and then be blanketed with this mysterious force.

Religion is our form of acceptance in the end. Like drugs such as LSD, religion has a form of meaning about it that allows us to keep our wits about us and cope with the end of our journey. The people in the sky may have made the world and they are our role models in our complex world. They are a constant and it helps to know that you can believe in a supreme power. Religion also shows how people are willing to bow down to a leader but that's something I should save for later. In general, religion is a form of self-expression, a creation that has so much and such little meaning to us. Those people in the sky may hold the strings to the world and the idea of getting rid of self-determination is still preferable to no afterlife. Thus, people are comfortable in believing in an irrational force no matter how weird the idea may sound.

At the end of the day, I don't want to come off as a pretentious atheist who believes the world has no supreme being or hope. These are just my two bits on how religion seems to work in our world. A specific religion may or may not be true and I hope that there is an afterlife yet sometimes it is necessary to take a look back on the plethora of religions existing now. The people in the sky have so much power over people in the world as these people are willing to believe on a thin scrap of information. Religion is a powerful force and believing in a faith should have no detriment on one's life. Therefore, that man in the sky may still hold the puppet strings we so desire to see.


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