Random Rambles: Only Human

Humans. Humanity. Mankind. All of these words carry such importance and underline our entire species. Each word conjures up an image of a distinct human being. Yet humans are limited. Our species will probably falter. And when we look deep within ourselves, we'll realize that we aren't so very different from the creatures around us. Humans are perhaps the most developed creature to ever come upon the face of earth. Our human history is only a blink on the yawning existence of the universe but we've impacted our surroundings in a dramatic way. Society is such a complex thing yet it really only embodies nature itself in a sense. We were meant to cooperate as a population and having a perfect society is impossible. In the end we're only human.

Throughout our history we've seen that we are a species capable of destruction. We've seen wars, we've seen famine, we've seen all the lows of humans. And yet sometimes we don't care. Sometimes we forget. Sometimes we move on at a surprisingly rapid rate. Sometimes we forget what makes us human. For all of our simple moralizing and our social ethics laid down for multiple generations, we seldom know how to form a decent civilization. Strip away the government, the economy, the social classes and we see humans attempting to have a legitimately functional society. So why do all these experiments fail? Why do we never work together in a simple, equal manner? Humans were never meant to actually have an organized system and this is evidenced in urban center where people rarely know the people they meet. For us, we can only hold a small population in our memory and we can only cooperate with that small population. We still have an underlining selfish desire embedded in all of us and our desire for altruism simply can't work. Our worldwide population now exceeds 7 billion individuals but we're more divided than ever. Perhaps that's good and perhaps that's bad.

In the end, we're only human. Humans are only recently developed and despite our technologically advanced and developed society, we still are restricted by our evolutionary history. We can't possibly change enough to actually adapt to our own ideal world. Our world is plagued with oversimplification with morals and sins being prevalent ideas but it all amounts to the human condition. We are a species designed to survive and propagate primarily. We are willing to survive at another's expense if necessary. So what happens is that we become a self-centered species too wrapped up in our own ideas of benefit to actually realize what is happening to our surroundings. We have only now started to realize we aren't so different after all. We are only lucky. Our success amounts to luck and luck alone.

In the future, what will happen to us? Will nuclear armageddon kill us all? Will nature finally break her shackles and throw humans for a loop? Will we survive and explore space? Will we find a way to be a unified species? The possibilities are endless but one thing is certain: change will come and it is coming fast. With all these new developments we don't know how the next generation will be like or how the next few centuries will play our. Humans are young and we have much to learn but it is a tricky question to tell what will happen. Change is inevitable and we are undergoing it rapidly but we are scared of the future. Humans have great potential only how will the potential be used? Our existence on earth may just be meaningless or we can unlock all of the universe's mysteries. Therein lies our true experiment: whether we will develop or not. Whether we can settle our differences aside to form a better future. Whether we can let go of historical and evolutionary constraints to allow for something greater.

But in the end, we're only human.


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