Random Thoughts - Religion

Warning: Very controversial ideas. This can be considered somewhat offensive. Viewer discretion is advised.

Would religion be followed as much if there weren't benefits? I've noticed that the common thread between each religion is reaping the rewards after some amount of labor/worship. But my question is, if you took that away, is there any point in believing in a deity?

Let's set up a hypothetical example. Say there's your typical god and he builds the world and all that. He makes the animals and life because he's just bored and wants amusement. After that, the animals might know about this god, but what if the god simply didn't desire praise? No matter what, these animals would die with no afterlife even if they begged the god. Then what? What's the point of worshiping this god anyways if it doesn't give you anything. All it did that was noteworthy was create all beings. I get the feeling that there might be some feeling of thanks for the creation, but for the most part, the animals would carry on with their daily lives and ignore this god. This god has nothing to do with the animals' lives after that moment of creation.

So let's say Buddhism didn't have the idea of reincarnation and Christianity didn't have heaven or hell. What happens to the belief? Does it die? To me, it seems as though people go out of their way to gain their benefit. Buddhism wishes for nirvana and Christianity for an afterlife. But the main idea is that after this life, there's another life. People are afraid. They're afraid that after this life is nothing. There entire existence would be of little importance. For them, that's not an option that they are willing to face. It's much easier to believe in eternal reward, damnation, or continuous life. Even hell would be easier to face.

But it's just a thought. You can believe whatever you want to believe.


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