Equestria Girls Review *Spoiler-Free*

After eagerly anticipating this release, I finally went to this puny theater to go watch this movie. Does the inclusion of humans make this a bad movie? Was it worthy of being part of the Friendship is Magic Universe? Was it show quality? Well, you know the answer is yes for the last one, it was made by the same creators.

Well let's start with the premise. Twilight has recently become a princess and her friends are staying with her at the Crystal Kingdom. But while Twilight is sleeping, Celestia's previous student, Sunset Shimmer, steals the crown and brings it with her to a parallel universe with humans. My god, humans in my pony show? Twilight darts after Sunset with Spike and they must go to Canterlot High School and reclaim the crown at the ball. Right of the bat, this seems like a lackluster idea. I mean, come on, we've had millions of high school dramas. A parallel universe?  A formal ball? Sunset is totalitarian? Kinda typical. But you never notice how thin this plot is when you watch this. The fact of the matter is that the plot takes a bit of a backseat. After all, the show is primarily slice-of-life. So we're faced with Twilight and her adventures.

Twilight trying to conform to her surroundings gives a good laugh or two. But it feels surreal having the ponies we all know at high school and they all have modern technology. I got used to the humans quickly and seeing them in high school was actually pretty good. The high school was different, like why did everyone start singing in the middle of the cafeteria? But you have to keep in mind that this isn't a real high school, it's what the writers made. Only, why does every single girl in this school wear a skirt? Twilight's friends are the same as they always were and quickly learn to help each other and her. You'll see a lot of the ponies show up as humans here. By the way, this movie has a loooot of references. Everything from Scootaloo doing the chicken to Trixie. It almost feels like the developers were pandering to us. But I digress, let's move on.

The songs were pretty darn good. Granted, the songs are very different compared to the show, this has a more high school feel to it. Daniel Ingram still has his charm and William Anderson makes fantastic background scores. You'll find yourself humming a song or two after leaving the theater.

Now the new villain, Sunset Shimmer. She's introduced and has two cronies, Snips and Snails. Snips and Snails....don't do much, like how they were during Trixie's episodes. Now Sunset on the other hand craves power. She's your typical crazy bad villain. Speaking of bad guys, there's also Flash Sentry, that Brad guy. He's a really flat character and every second he spends with Twilight feels...forced and scripted. Your fanfics will burn because of him. Burn! Speaking of guys, there seems to be a more even ratio of males to females at this school. But enough about that.

The ending. This ending felt so rushed. Everything happened in a blur. Mind you, I felt rushed throughout the movie too, but this takes the cake. You get your resolution within seconds. I wish they took this movie and made it into two hours. But, due to budget limitations, we got what we got.

So all in all, this was a pretty good film. I'm still disappointed that we didn't get to have a movie based on our ponies, but I thought that was fine. Maybe they can do another movie describing Equestrian history in the future. For what we got, this was a solid entry that really surprised me. I enjoyed it and I encourage you to give it a shot.

Final rating: 8/10


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