Random Rambles: Books

You walk through the mystical forest of Lorien expecting the feel the cold steel of and Elven arrow against your neck. You turn around to find yourself on a spaceship commanding a war against a multitude of aliens. A missile collides with your ship and you fall. You collapse in a disheveled heap in front of King Joffrey, prepared to beg for your life.

Now I'll bet that most of y'all probably didn't know what I was referencing. In our generation, many people decide to opt out of reading books. Books seem trivial and at times hard to read. They fail to capture our imagination because they are just words on a piece of paper. Why not just use the technology at our hands? Isn't it much more engaging than a musty old book that's a hundred years old.

You've probably heard many people say that. Going to the library seems archaic. Most people prefer to stay glued to their phones or their computers all day rather than reading from a book. They prefer to read online sources or social media that is so colloquial that it's hard to fathom what people are trying to say. Is this how English will die? Are books a thing of the past?

Even though books are important, they seem to be something to read only when required. And then the book must be as shocking and interesting as possible to keep us away from our electronics. Shakespeare is regarded as a bore and other books barely satisfy our short attention span. Is this our fault?

Well, I still love books. Reading envelops me in a new world that can be fascinating to explore. Most online text are written by people incapable of regular thought (fanfiction, blogs, etc.). So why does that pique our interest more? Because they are more "casual" to us. We are more interested with the internet because it has become a part of our lives. It isn't our fault for being like this because we're just born into a time of great technological advances. Losing books is a consequence we are going to have to abide with.

But then again, maybe "we're just kids." Maybe we don't appreciate books because time is too valuable. Time is better spent on Facebook and Youtube. This ideology is flawed but we can't seem to realize it. Maybe if we get older, we can appreciate time as leisure and become bookworms again.

I don't see that happening. Technology is too addicting and the damage is irrevocable. Books are steadily becoming passe even though nerds like me are trying to keep reading. Books will fade away soon enough for a new evolution of English. Whether or not that's good is entirely dependent on what arises in the future.


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