"A Clash of Kings" Review

You know how huge "A Game of Thrones" is? Well this book manages to be around a thousand pages which is two hundred more pages than the previous book. And "A Storm of Swords" is longer. This is one weird series. Without further ado, let's see how this holds up when compared to "A Game of Thrones."

Since all of the characters have been established, the plot speeds along at a brisk pace. Arya is captured, Jon is going out beyond the wall, Stannis is trying to assert himself, Tywin is fighting Robb, Robb is doing nothing throughout the book, Catelyn does some stuff, Sansa is still stuck in King's Landing, Theon is trying to assert himself as king, Daenerys doesn't do anything, and Tyrion is being a boss. This book is full of twists and turns that left me really wanting to read more. This is one of the few books I can say that is a true page-turner. The conflicts that come along seem real and tangible and added depth to this book.

Then the characters. Like the first book, this book is crammed with needless characters that you forget as soon as the scene changes. I can't even say that I know half the names at the end which are related to the various houses. Some side-characters remain poignant but the rest are just sers and lords that are called on at random. With such an elaborate world (that looks like England), the characters deserve to be fleshed out. But then again, the Middle Ages was filled with people that didn't make a lick of difference in history.

This book manages to capture the imagery of the first book while engaging the reader. Because of this, I think that this is better than the first book. I just like the action and pacing that makes it feel bold and stylish.

Final Rating: 8.5/10


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