Random Rambles: Science vs. Creationism
Many people have seen the whole debate with Bill Nye and Ken Ham. Many also agree that Ham's Austrailian accent was pretty awesome. In fact, I think most of his followers were attracted to Ham because of that sexy voice. Regardless, the debate was pretty laughable; Bill Nye just tried to rally a bunch of evidence to prove that evolution was true as a historical science while Ham was just saying the Bible is the source of information that was the ultimate truth. Nye realized pretty quickly that Ham was just going to say that his model was true by refuting Nye's points and by saying that the model is the "only" reliable source of historical science. I especially loved it when Nye asked Ham for specific information and Ham said we would have to take it on faith when Ham attacked Nye's evidence all this time. Nye's evidence was pretty sound and Ham could only call technicalities to hopefully trip Nye up. But Ham still had some good points that he brought up. He ...