
Showing posts from September, 2013

Random Movie RANT: The Lorax

This movie is the epitome of everything that is evil in this world. I've never seen any form of media take everything I hate in cliched plots and combine into this garbage heap only to label this as "The Lorax." This is my all-time least favorite film. Let's start out with the story, if you could call it that. So there's this kid who's played by Zac Efron who falls in love with a girl played by Taylor Swift. If that isn't a cliched recipe for disaster I don't know what is. Basically, the girl demonstrates another cliche by wanting to see a real tree and will marry anyone who can present her with one. You see, they live in a town full of plastic and there are no living organisms. So, the kid, called Ted, goes on a cliched quest to find a tree because he is too infatuated. But the plot is more "complex" as there's this evil organization who made the town that wants there to be no living things. Why? Because they want money. That's rig...